Objective Proficiency p 80. Vocabulary

Ex. 2
  • Immaculate: /ɪˈmækjələt/extremely clean and tidy. E.g. She always looks immaculate. An immaculate uniform/room. The property is in immaculate condition.
  • Manicured /ˈmænɪkjʊəd/ 1. with nails that are neatly cut and polished. E.g. A manicured woman/man. 2. (of gardens, lawns) very neat and well cared for. E.g. This manicured lawn has been cut very tidily and is well looked after.
  • Houseproud: spending a lot of time making your house look clean and attractive, and thinking that this is important. E.g. She is houseproud and tidy
  • Smart: 1. (of people) looking clean and neat; well dressed in fashionable and/or formal clothes. E.g. You look very smart in that suit. I have to be smart for work. 2 (of clothes, etc.) clean, neat and looking new and attractive. E.g. They were wearing their smartest clothes. 3. intelligent. E.g. She's smarter than her brother.4. Connected with fashionable rich people. E.g. smart restaurants. 
  • Spick and span: neat and clean. E.g. Their house is always spick and span.
  • Bedraggled: / bɪˈdræɡld/ made wet, dirty or untidy by rain, mud, etc. Desaliñado. Bedraggled hair/clothes. I barely recognized the bedraggled figure who staggered in from the storm. (Stagger: to walk with weak unsteady steps, as if you are about to fall). A bedraggled man in his thirties, wanders, somewhat aimlessly, along the empty road. His suit is torn in several places and is stained with blood. 
  • Cluttered (up) (with somebody/something): covered with, or full of, a lot of things or people, in a way that is untidy. E.g. a cluttered room/desk. (Figurative) a cluttered mind.
  • Disarray: /ˌdɪsəˈreɪ/ a state of confusion and lack of organization in a situation or a place. E.g. The peace talks broke up in disarray. Our plans were thrown into disarray by her arrival. We're decorating, so everything's in complete disarray at home. The troops were in disarray (entre las tropas reinaba la confusión/el caos). Her papers were in total disarray (sus papeles estaban completamente desordenados).
  • Dishevelled: /dɪˈʃevld/ (of hair, clothes or somebody's general appearance) very untidy. Unkempt. E.g. He looked tired and dishevelled. Her dishevelled appearance made us wonder where she had been (su aspecto desaliñado nos hizo preguntarnos dónde habría estado).
  • Messy: dirty and/or untidy. Chaotic. E.g. The house was always messy.The children got really messy playing in the woods.
  • Scruffy: dirty or untidy. E.g. He looked a little scruffy.  I still feel awful that i once lived in a scruffy room with moldy curtains and a stained carpet.
  • Unkempt: not well cared for; not neat or tidy. Dishevelled. E.g. greasy, unkempt hair. The children were unwashed and unkempt. A wild and unkempt garden.
  • Windswept: /ˈwɪndswept/  1 (of a place) having strong winds and little protection from them. E.g. the windswept Atlantic coast. Azotado por el viento. 2 looking as though you have been in a strong wind. Despeinado. E.g. A windswept man approached us. Windswept hair. Someone who is windswept looks untidy because their clothes and hair have been blown around by a strong wind.
  • Orderly: arranged or organized in a neat, careful and logical way. Tidy. E.g. Our house was orderly. He was orderly and methodical when composing but dressed sloppily (lacking care) and lived in incredibly messy apartments.
Ex 3
  • Assert something: /əˈsɜːt / to make other people recognize your right or authority to do something, by behaving firmly and confidently. Reafirmar. E.g. to assert your independence/rights. I was determined to assert my authority from the beginning. 
  • Along/on (the)… lines: similar to the way or thing that is mentioned. E.g. Those aren't his exact words, but he said something along those lines. The hotel was built along the lines of a French chateau. 
  • Wean somebody off/from something: /wiːn/ to make somebody gradually stop doing or using something. E.g. The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.
  • Bone idle: very lazy.  
  • Clear up/ clear something up: to make something clean and neat. E.g. It's time to clear up. I'm fed up with clearing up after you! Clear up your own mess!
  • Idler: /ˈaɪdlə(r)/ a person who is lazy and does not work.
  • Neat: (North American English, informal) good; excellent. E.g. It's a really neat movie. We had a great time—it was pretty neat.  
  • Clear the decks: (informal) to prepare for an activity, event, etc. by removing anything that is not essential to it.
  • Clutter: /ˈklʌtə(r)/ a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not necessary or are not being used; a state of confusion. Mess. E.g. There's always so much clutter on your desk! There was a clutter of bottles and tubes on the shelf.
  • Irksome: /ˈɜːksəm / annoying or irritating. Tiresome. Fastidioso, irritante.E.g. I found the restrictions irksome.
  • Worldly: connected with the world in which we live rather than with spiritual things. Material. E:g. worldly success. Your worldly goods (= the things that you own).  
  • Habituate: /həˈbɪtʃueɪt/ make or become accustomed or used to something. 

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