Objective Proficiency p 26. Crime and Punishment. Key word transformation

KEY word transformation

1.    He was charged with corruption


He _____________________ corruption.

2.    The jury found the defendant guilty of fraud.


He _________________________ fraud.

3. He was charged with four counts of fraud


He ________________________ four counts of fraud

4.    The company does not admit responsibility for delays caused by bad weather.


The company accepts _____________________delays caused by bad weather

5.    He was granted bail


He ____________________________ bail

6.    He's been on trial for a crime  several times already.


He's been ______________________  several times already.

7.    He said he was innocent of the crime charged.


He ____________________the crime charged .

8.    The witness was called to the witness box.


The witness was ________________

9.    At the end of the trial the judge said what the punishment would be.


At the end of the trial the judge ______________________________.

10.  He was sent to prison for some crimes .


He ______________ for some crimes.


1.    He was indicted for/ was indicted on charges of corruption

2.    He was convicted of fraud

3.    He was accused of four counts of fraud

4.    The company accepts no liability for delays caused by bad weather

5.    He was released on bail

6.    He's been in the dock several times already.

7.    He pleaded not guilty to the crime charged

8.    The witness was put on the (witness) stand to give evidence

9.    At the end of the trial the judge passed sentence

10. He did time for some crimes

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