Close-up p 144. Ads In Britain Banned. Extra Listening

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Ads In Britain Banned

And today's last word in business is a tad too perfect.
According to the report advertisers (1) _______/______ models' faces for magazine ads.
(2)__________ ads have been banned by Britain's Advertising Standards Authority because they were (3)_________, (4) an ___________.
The women appearing in the banned ads are Christy Turlington and (5) _______________.
Both women simply (6) ________ /_______ /______despite being in their (7)_________.
(8) ___________ /__________ is the reason behind the banning.
The cosmetics company has defended itself by saying that on Christy Turlington's nose it is possible to see some (9) ___________
The model has also defended herself saying that her (10) ___________ /____________ are visible.

Advertisers routinely touch up models' faces for magazine ads, but L'Oreal may have gone too far. Britain's Advertising Standards Authority banned two of the company's ads — featuring Christy Turlington and Julia Roberts — calling them "misleading" and an "exaggeration."


At today's last word in business is a tad too perfect.
Advertisers routinely touch up models' faces for magazine ads, but L'Oreal may have gone too far. Britain's Advertising Standards Authority banned two of the company's ads, calling them misleading, an exaggeration.
One ad features Christy Turlington, the other Julia Roberts. They're both in their 40s, and apparently they look too good. Regulators thought there was too much digital retouching.
Defending one of these ads, the cosmetics company told regulators you can see some of the pores on Christy Turlington's nose and crow's feet around her eyes. That is the defense of the model, that you can see her crow's feet.
That's the business news on MORNING EDITION. 
Tad: A tad: (N) a very small amount. E.g. Could you turn the sound down just a tad?
A tad: (adv) It's a tad too expensive for me.
Touch sth up: to improve something by changing or adding to it slightly. E.g. She was busy touching up her make-up in the mirror.
Pore: /pɔː(r)/ one of the very small holes in your skin that sweat can pass through; one of the similar small holes in the surface of a plant or a rock. 
Crow's feet: lines in the skin around the outer corner of a person's eye. Crow: /krəʊ/ a large bird, completely or mostly black, with a rough unpleasant cry. Cuervo. 

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