Objective Proficiency p 18. Keys and Vocabulary

Ex 1
p 178
  • Spur: /spɜː(r)/ 1. a sharp pointed object that riders sometimes wear on the heels of their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster. Espuela. E.g. He dug his spurs into the horse's sides. 2. a fact or an event that makes you want to do something better or more quickly. Motivation. E.g. His speech was a powerful spur to action. A few encouraging words might provide just the spur she needs. 
  • On the spur of the moment: suddenly, without planning in advance. Espontáneamente. E.g. I phoned him up on the spur of the moment. A spur-of-the-moment decision. 
  • On/to the verge of something/of doing something: very near to the moment when somebody does something or something happens. E.g. He was on the verge of tears.They are on the verge of signing a new contract.These measures brought the republic to the verge of economic collapse.
  • To be bound to: certain or likely to happen. E.g. It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow. You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam.
  • To be on the point of: ready to start doing something. E.g. I was just on the point of going out the door. We were almost at the point of buying a new car. The climber was at/on the point of death when they found him. We were on the point of giving up. 

Ex 2
  • Come around/round (to…): to come to a place, especially somebody's house, to visit for a short time. E.g. Do come around and see us some time.
  • The sack: [singular] (British English, informal) being told by your employer that you can no longer continue working for a company, etc, usually because of something that you have done wrong. E.g. He got the sack for swearing. Her work was so poor that she was given the sack. Four hundred workers face the sack.

a he’s going to get 

b will be 

c leaves

d is going to get 

e I’ll go 

f I’m not going

g will you be doing 

h will have travelled

i is not allowing 

j will do 

k will have been painting

l will have finished 

m he’ll feel 

n will you do 

o is

p am having 

q arrive 

r will be arriving 

s Shall 

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